Martin and I went to Drive Shack today! I was impressed to Martins soft swing yet the power he hits the ball with.... If you don't know what Drive Shack is its like Top Golf ... If you don't know what Top Gold is is like a 3 Story Driving Range with Games, Drinks, and Great Food!
Lunch Review: Pulled pork Grilled Cheese. It was a lovely Crunchy meat filled cheese bomb. Bread to mean ratio could have been more balanced but the flavors were spot on. I do recommend the pretzels and cheese for the App! #driveshack #lunch #iamdynamite #Golf #topgolf #lunchreview #lightitup #wedidntpractice #dayoff #neededabreak #pulledpork #grilledcheese #pretzelsandcheese #pretzels #drivingrange
